Happy Lenses for Smiling Eyes !

Clear your mind, elevate your spirits, and revolutionize your sleep with blue light-blocking glasses.

Who’s talking about blue-light glasses

Ben Greenfield

America's Top Personal Trainer and New York Times Bestselling Author of "Beyond Training"

Brad pitt

Brad Pitt wearing blue light glasses

Darin Olien

Superfood Hunter and Creator of #1 Netflix Series "Down to Earth" with Zac Efron

Customer reviews
Without a doubt, the best blue light protection glasses I’ve come across. Most products on the market fail to block the harmful wavelengths produced by blue light but BioHack Optics truly excels in this area. Despite their bold marketing claims I am impressed by how effective BioHack Optics glasses are.
One of the most remarkable, straightforward, and potent enhancements to my life has been embracing nature while navigating the modern world’s artificial lighting. This balance has been beautifully achieved with the addition of BioHack Optics.

Change Your Life with Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Shield yourself from harmful blue light emitted by screens and modern lighting, both day and night. Restore harmony to your body, mind, and soul. Live the life you are meant to enjoy.


Why Biohackoptics

For years, I was on a quest for a solution that would address the root of my health issues, not just the symptoms. What I found completely altered my views on light, sleep, and wellness. Keep reading to see how BioHackoptics Blue Light Blocking Glasses have been a game changer.


Damaging Blue Light

Harmful blue light disrupts the body's natural circadian rhythm, impacting melatonin production—the chemical essential for regulating sleep. A lack of sleep can cause cellular deterioration, resulting in fatigue and persistent health problems.


We're convinced that improved lighting enhances life quality.

BioHack Optics blue light glasses safeguard your body's circadian rhythm and melatonin production, ensuring you get quality sleep. This allows cells to rest and rejuvenate nightly, keeping you at optimal performance.

Benefits include:

 ✓ Enhanced Sleep

 ✓ Increased Productivity

 ✓ Improved Wellness


What sets our glasses apart?

We've combined science with style. By collaborating with top experts in photobiology and optics, we've crafted lenses that block more harmful light than any others on the market, all while optimizing vision and color perception. The result is an unparalleled "blue-free" experience.

They also use it

Manchester City

The technology used in blue light glasses aligns with the biohacking techniques favored by top athletes like Erling Haaland of Manchester City, emphasizing performance and recovery.

Dr. Eye talks about blue light glasses

Shield yourself from damaging artificial light.

Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit

Unleash your full potential to the world.

The information on this website and the statements regarding our products have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). The products offered here are not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content provided by this website or this company should not replace direct consultations with your healthcare provider and is not meant as a personalized medical advice.